About CIMA

CIMA Movimiento de Cultura Espírita
CIMA Movimiento de Cultura Espírita

CIMA, the Spiritist Culture Movement  

CIMA, the Spiritist Culture Movement, is a non-profit, civil society organization targeted at the study and dissemination of the Spiritist doctrine. Study and practice are totally laic, far away from any sort of mysticism or ritualism. CIMA basic principles exclude any kind of dogmatism or religious or political sectarianism..

Primary goals

  • Study in depth the scientific, philosophical, moral and social aspects of Spiritism, in accordance with the lessons taught by French philosopher and professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail (1804-1869), universally known as Allan Kardec.
  • Conduct philosophical and scientific research, the findings of which enable partners to get a better understanding of natural law and raise their cultural level.
  • Test bio-magnetism and psychic phenomenology; educate and develop all forms of mediumship under rational and scientific standards of study and control; engage in this practice without any monetary interest.
  • Help solve the cases of obsession or personality disorders of a spiritual origin through research and serious study, by giving tremendous moral support and effective aid.
  • Boost moral improvement and spiritual values of CIMA members on the basis of deep and permanent experience in the personal, family and social context, of the lofty principles of the Spiritist doctrine.
  • Foster freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of thought; counter human rights abuses and defend Spiritism against unreasonable attacks.
  • Maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship with all Spiritist organizations around the world, particularly with the parties to CEPA, the International Spiritist Organization, whose ideals are fully endorsed by CIMA.